Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In Case You Missed It...

For the second week in a row, Assistant Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (left) filled in for Michael Sullivan on Fox 25's "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" segment. Tarr joined former Attorney General Scott Harshbarger live in the Beacon Hill studio yesterday morning to discuss the latest state and national political news, including small business healthcare concerns; U.S. Senator Scott Brown's vote for the federal finance bill; the recent war of words between members of the NAACP and the Tea Party movement; and President Obama's vacation controversy.

In case you missed it, you can watch the clip here. But be forewarned, the closing seconds of the 10-minute segment include an off-key rendition of Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" sung by Harshbarger at the urging of Fox Morning News co-host Kim Carrigan.