Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Senator Tarr’s Statement on a Federal Appeals Court Denial of Convicted Killer’s Sex-Change Operation

Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) released the following statement today regarding the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denying a tax-payer funded sex-change operation for convicted wife killer Michelle Kosilek. Senator Tarr and the Senate Republican Caucus have previously filed legislation preventing such surgeries, and will file new legislation for the upcoming legislative session:

“The Federal Court of Appeals decision to deny convicted killer Michelle Kosilek gender reassignment surgery is an affirmation of fairness and justice. Allowing someone who has committed first degree murder to receive extraordinary surgery at best lacks commonsense, and at worst offends the interests of justice.

The Department of Corrections (DOC) has remained steadfast in its belief that the state should not be required to provide such surgery, and I commend the department for continuing to fight against this outrageous request. Had the unprecedented ruling by Judge Wolf been upheld to allow Michelle Kosilek’s surgery, not only the Commonwealth, but the country would have ventured down a dangerous path resulting in serious ramifications not yet identified.”

A copy of the current legislation filed by Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr and the Senate Republican Caucus can be found here. The bill will be re-filed in January 2015.