Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In Case You Missed It...

The bi-partisan parole and sentencing reform bill unveiled at yesterday's State House press conference has been drawing considerable media attention.

Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr, the bill's lead sponsor, was a guest on Fox 25's 10 o'clock News Monday night and on the Fox 25 Morning News earlier today (see video clips below). Tarr was also interviewed by former Boston Phoenix reporter Adam Reilly for a pre-taped segment that ran on WGBH's Greater Boston last night (Senate Minority Whip Robert Hedlund was host Emily Rooney's in-studio guest, along with former Senator Warren Tolman). He also called in to WRKO following the press conference to discuss the proposed reforms package with Michele McPhee, the station's new early afternoon host.

Be sure to check out the additional coverage from the Boston Globe, Worcester Telegram & Gazette and WBUR radio.

Lawmakers seek parole changes after cop killing: MyFoxBOSTON.com