Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Herald Endorses Caucus Budget Reforms

Today's Boston Herald includes an editorial that endorses several of the Senate Republican Caucus' reform initiatives that were introduced during last week's budget debate.

In the editorial, the Herald notes that a number of amendments were not in the House version of the budget, but "are well worth including in the final budget when it is sent to the governor's desk." Those initiatives include: prohibiting illegal immigrants from accessing a wide range of state-funded public benefits; banning employers who hire illegal immigrants from bidding on state contracts; and eliminating Bunker Hill Day and Evacuation Day as paid holidays for state workers.

The Herald also faults the Senate for not pursuing the Caucus' proposal to "loosen restrictions on privatizing government services" and for watering down the Caucus proposal to give cities and towns health care plan design powers to reduce costs, which the Herald calls "a potential savings gold mine."

Be sure to check out the editorial.