Thursday, December 19, 2013

Senate GOP Caucus to Call for Independent Investigation of DCF Policies

The Massachusetts Senate Republican Caucus – led by Senator Don Humason (R-Westfield), the Caucus’ representative on the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities – will be releasing a letter tomorrow calling for an independent investigation into the failures of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) regarding the disappearance of Jeremiah Oliver.

The whereabouts of Oliver, a five-year-old Fitchburg resident, have been unknown to the DCF for several months.  Earlier this week, DCF Commissioner Olga Roche terminated the social worker and supervisor connected to the case.

“We want to know if there are possibly other children under DCF supervision who may be in a similar situation,” said Senator Humason, speaking on behalf of the Caucus.  “It’s important to know whether this is a systemic problem or an isolated incident.”

“With one child in jeopardy because of serious failures of accountability, we can’t take any chances that there may be others that are in vulnerable situations,” added Senator Tarr.