Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Senate GOP Caucus Responds to Governor's Statement on Supplemental Budget

Senate Minority Leader Richard R. Tisei issued the following statement today on behalf of the Senate Republican Caucus in response to Governor Patrick’s statement regarding the supplemental budget currently pending before the Senate:

“Today, prior to the Senate’s consideration of a $420 million supplemental spending bill, the members of the Republican Caucus of the State Senate asked the Governor three straightforward questions regarding the fiscal viability of the Commonwealth and the long-term plan for Fiscal Year 2011. The Governor’s refusal to answer these questions is indicative of his lack of leadership and his lack of stewardship over the state budget the past four years.

Again, we call on the Governor to publically provide details of the fiscal status of the programs that are in deficiency a mere three months into the state’s fiscal year. The Governor needs to open up the state’s books so that we can make an informed decision as we consider the supplemental budget before the Senate.”

Click here to view a copy of the Caucus' letter to Governor Patrick.